Introducing the just discovered photo packet from the bottom of Jenna's locker. Don't mind that all the photos are bent and dirty due to wet boots and God-only-knows-what-else landed on them as the lay domant at the bottom of the locker for the past two months....
I have begged and pleaded with Jenna to bring them home but she refused telling me they were as ugly as I could imagine.... I was able to access her locker Wednesday night and was successful in grabbing these... Thank goodness there was a CD included with the package....so I can share this photo with all of you!!!! I think it is nice. Jenna is now a Freshman and likes her new school very much. I plan to give these pics out to anyone who will hang them on their wall.....(just to bug Jenna as much as possible)....so give me a jingle if you wish to have one of your very own....I may even be able to arrange a signed copy for you! Guess what everyone's getting for Christmas???