Monday, November 29, 2004

Being a Mom + Being Sick = Being Well???

Lets do the math here, my worst subject, but I can't see how this one adds up! A mother is a person that takes care of and manages the family, a mother works a "real job" and works at home and coordinates bath times, lunches, bills, dinners, laundry, dishes, house cleaning, and any other general thing that might need some attention (in most cases; pets are involved as well as pet feces). All this juggling, struggling, worrying, taxi-ing, working, paying, bleeding, etc. eventually takes a toll on the mother. So why is it that when mom gets sick, mom isn't sick? I don't understand. Doesn't a mother deserve to be loved and cared for just as she loves and cares for her family when they are sick and even when they are faking sick? I think so. I can't fathom ONLY having to worry about getting out of bed, cleaning myself, going to work/or school, doing my job for 8 hours, then the rest is FREE TIME!!!!!! Those in the family with these worries are starting to disgust me! With all of their free time, you would think they could use some of it to help Mom when she is sick, flat on her back. But that doesn't happen, and this is a mystery to me. Why is the mother a beast of burden? A slave to her family? Why does society EXPECT this of her? Wow! To lead the life of a child/or husband for just ONE day is my wish! I can't imagine life without responsibility. But I can dream.....

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Doctor Time -vs- Human Time

Explain to me why we have to wait at the doctors office hours after our appointment time? I have been know to "vote with my feet" when it comes to changing doctors because of this inconvenience. You show up early (as is proper) for your appointment time. In my case, children are usually involved and the youngest ones typically make me and anyone in ear shot very we WAIT....and WAIT...looking at the clock...thinking, any minute now....

After a token---hour, you are called into the "room" your hope arises that you will be outta here in a few more minutes, the hope is false hope. A nice nurse asks the important questions....fever? how long? medications? etc.....then you are left to decay away in the room......another hour passes and you wonder if everyone is gone home and you have been forgotten...(don't laugh, this HAS ACTUALLY happened to me before...thanks to my undying patience) Should I open the door???? Today, I hear voices so I know we aren't getting locked in the office. I start to wonder, do we really need to see the doctor? Do we really need medication? I think the broken arm is probably healed by now......I wish I would have gone to Med School!!!
Torture is all this is. Not sure why we have to endure it, but we all do. I recall "bar-time" from my college years, but never knew there was such a thing as "doctor time". I would love to hear a good explanation on this one!!!!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I've Got a Broken Arm and I Know How to Use It!

I was so excited to vote on election day. I was standing in line at the polls by 6:30am and happy to do it. I decided to skip my daughters dance class in order to watch the election results moment by moment. An extremely selfish move on my part, but this was a historical election right? With another selfish sweep, I announce that I won't be cooking on this night, I am going to bask in the election night excitement and my family will have to fend for themselves. We have bread, milk, eggs....what more do you want from me? The answer is a resounding "McDonald's". I manage to break myself away from the news channel long enough to participate in the trip to McDonald's. I decide to be so generous as to let the girls play in the play area while we finish up our meal. Within 3 minutes, Jenna is waving down to me to come quick. The baby has fallen or something and seems to be whimpering. Hmmm...... As my husband climbs to the top of the structure, I assure the onlookers, "How hurt can she be, there aren't even any tears!" There weren't any tears....just what sounded like a tired whine....we had no clue where she might have hit, what might be hurting but Jenna said she found her face down.....could she have hurt her nose? I guess we need to go home. My husband seems a bit more concerned; "she isn't moving her arm" I HATE having to make these decisions. Do we rush her into the emergency room like crazy parents for the 10th time, or do we take a relaxed approach and go home (and watch the election results). We end up at the emergency room and I expect them to tell me, "we don't see anything, might be a sprain or hairline fracture" and we can go home and watch the election results. The ACTUAL news is "she has a broken elbow". Oh yes, I got to view the xray first-hand...broken clean need to debate it.....we will be spending election night at the hospital! Prior to the soft-casting procedure (the monster-huge cast will be put on the following morning) I break away from the drama to try to catch a glance at the waiting room TV screen while calling my mother. The only thing I see on TV (muted) is some numbers that make it appear that John Kerry is winning by a LANDSLIDE (obviously, my misinterpretation), and my mom hasn't been home to update me on the actual results so I go back into the triage room, completely mislead as to who is winning the election. I must say, election night was a very exciting night!