Sunday, January 16, 2005

My "Good" Excuse

I have a good excuse for not making it to the gym. I have a doctor to back me up too! It is called a herniated disc. Very painful. Why haven't I been consistant for the past 8 months prior to the back problem? I guess I don't have a doctors note for that one....but I am told I can get back to the gym maybe in 3 weeks. I have been what I will term "heavily medicated".....Some people might like the feeling, but I just feel stupid and dizzy most of the time....(all three meds state 'may cause dizziness'), so life is very interesting right now. I think I am in an altered state. But that is my good excuse for not exercising, cleaning the house, changing the beds, grocery shopping and any other task I usually complete. Although my husband isn't buying it......