My husbands' bad jokes/antics were revealed to my mother on the worst of occasions....dinner---at her house.
The snitch? The young Juliet. There was no place to hide. You see, Gabby has this really "fun" game he plays with Juliet---it is called "Do you want to smell my feet?" It starts with dad beckoning for Juliet to come closer to him (this is similar to the old "Pull my finger" game, but not as loud---similar scents) she nears her dad, he demands she "smell my feet". It ends with Juliet saying no and then running away with dad chasing right? Well, I think my mother is convinced that Gabby is an abusive father. During a recent dinner at mothers house...the young Juliet, sitting smartly in her high stool, throws her leg/foot onto the table in my mothers face and demands "smell my feet!" My mother wasn't certain of the demand so Juliet clearly repeated the demand with a more forceful tone "
smell my feet!!".
I wanted so badly to rat-out my husband so my mother wouldn't blame me for the disrespectful display at the dinner table, but Juliet took care of that for me stating that "Papi tells me to smell his feet and I say no!" I played dumb and just continued to eat and managed to change the subject to Jenna and homework....and dinner was saved! No feet were sniffed during dinner.