I awoke this morning and was greeted with sunshine and beauty, my joy came to a screeching halt when I realized that my down comforter wasn't keeping me warm and upon going outside to warm up the van for the millionth time this winter, found that it was a balmy 10 degrees. Enough already! I do not consider myself old enough to start being a "snow bird" and migrating to Florida every winter, but Florida in the winter is looking mighty fine right now. I can barely stand to talk to my dearest friend in North Carolina without wanting to beat her when she tells me she is sitting on her deck, sipping a nice glass of wine and oh-by-the-way it's 8pm and still 72 degrees! UUUGHHHH!!!!! My milk and carrots are freezing in the fridge even though it is on the low "winter" setting......this is ridiculous!!! I have had it! I have been wearing shorts in the house just to spite winter....perhaps Michigan will get the hint one of these days and begin to welcome spring and warmth! If anyone has some warmth to spare.....send it my way...we are freezing up here!